「Sea of mercy」
昨日は国連大学でマルズキ・ダルスマン国連北朝鮮人権問題特別報告者とNGOのディスカッションがありました。私自身は発言しませんでしたが、終了後ダルスマンさんと同席した国連人権委員会のGuillaume Pfeiffleさん(読み方が分からない)に以下の文書をお渡ししました。
The book named “Sea of Mercy”
13-year- old junior high school student Takeshi Terakoshi was abducted in May 1963.
He went fishing with his two uncle, Shoji and Soto-o Terakoshi. The fishingboat named Kiyomaru left for the fishing ground nearby Noto island, Ishikawa prefecture.
Kiyomaru encountered North Korean spy vessel. Spies were afraid of detection. Soto-o and Takeshi were abducted and carried to Chong-jin city. Shoji was considered to be killed at the site.
Families, fellow fishermen and coast guard searched the area, but they could find only Kiyomaru and Takeshi’s school uniform. They thought 3 persons were in disress and died. Funeral service was held.
24 Years were passed. In 1987, Soto-o’s sister received the letter from Soto-o and surprised. Soto-o wrote “Takeshi and I am living in Gusong, North Korea”.
Takeshi’s father and mother visited to North Korea in1988 and met with Soto-o and Takeshi. But they couldn’t say how they carried to North Korea because NK officials watched them. North Korea made the story of their shipwreck accident and lifesaving.
Since then, Takeshi’s parents visited to him a lot of times but Takeshi and his family members cannot say that Takeshi and his uncles were abducted.
In 1997, Megumi Yokota case was appeared in the media and the national congress. Terakoshi’s case was also observed as an abduction case. But “he” denied that he was abducted and praised North Korea and the Kim family.
In December 2001, Pyongyang publishing company published a book named “Sea of Mercy”. The author is Kim Myong-ho, Takeshi’s Korean name. In that book, Takeshi wrote that they are not the abduction victims but happily living in North Korea after they ware saved. Moreover “he" denied other abduction case such as Megumi Yokota and Yaeko Taguchi in this book.
Nine months later, Kim Jong-il admitted and appologized for the abduction activities. But North Korea still denies Terakoshi’s case as abduction and Takeshi and his family cannot say he was abduction victim because Takeshi himself is a hostage.
“Sea of Mercy”, the title is a symbol of North Korean regime.
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